Human IGF-II epigenetic and transcriptional regulation unfolded on a special “Biomedicines” journal issue

Regulation of the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene is central to the mechanisms used by cancer cells to sustain their proliferative and aggressive behavior. A new peer-reviewed article gives us an updated view of the underlying molecular mechanisms in a special issue of Biomedicines which we contributed as ISOPROG-Somatolink research…

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Comprehensive review article published on the journal “Cell Cycle”

We thank the editorial board of the “Cell Cycle” journal (*) for the publication of our review article entitled “Cell Cycle Control by the Insulin-like Growth Factor Signal: At the Crossroad between Cell Growth and Mitotic Regulation”. (*)…/10…/15384101.2022.2108117).  Peer reviewers have defined it, respectively, “a remarkable piece of work” and…

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Novel oncogenic switch discovered in malignant mesothelioma cancer cells

A novel cancer cell regulatory mechanism functionally linking the cancer cell secreted factor IGF-II and the self-stimulating signal leading to the steady over-expression of EphB4 in the same cells has been unfolded in the article published on the prestigious journal “Oncogene” (Nature Publishing Group) [Impact Factor 7.99]. The article discloses…

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