Our scientific production by numbers

While thanking each and everyone who decided to support our independent research, we’d like to reflect on the achievements of our team in the last five years in light of the goals planned ahead in collaboration with our domestic and international partners.

Please check the ISOPROG-Somatolink EPFP Intl Research Network by numbers

18 peer-reviewed scientific publications in the last five years in the areas of which 12 indexed under Scopus and available on PubMed Central (PMC) with an average impact factor of 4.86 in the areas of molecular biology, protein and nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) biochemistry, cancer biomarkers discovery, gene expression and molecular gene transcription studies, experimental basic and translational oncology, preclinical pharmacology, molecular endocrinology, biotechnology and personalized biobanking regulatory operational models along with novel ethical and operational models for personalized genomic research.

Strengthened by such consistent results we renew our request for your support which in Italy includes the choice of our non profit research organization ISOPROG ETS [CF 92063740853] for your choice of tax deductible 5×1000 donation. Thank you!

Our work cited in Nature Review Cancer

An ISOPROG-Somatolink team’s peer reviewed article has been cited on a recent article authored by an international leading expert published on the prestigious journal “Nature Reviews Cancer” [impact factor: 78.5]. This type of recognition further facilitates the use of our original results by the global scientific community. We thank all…

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A paradigm-shifting review/perspective article on the role of IGF-II in solid cancers

In greeting all friends and colleagues for the upcoming festivities, we are glad to share our novel perspective article https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/12/1/40 reframing the role of IGFs (IGF-I and IGF-II) in solid cancer based upon retrospective literature analysis of 1619 thematic articles and parallel cancer cells expression data in the Biomedicines (MDPI,…

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Over-expression by degradation rescue of RTKs via cancer-secreted autocrine growth factors: a Phospho-degron-driven actionable layer of post-translational regulation?

The relationship between receptors tyrosine kinases (RTKs) overexpression in cancer by growth-factors signaling and Degron domains has been addressed in the peer-reviewed article entitled: “Over-expression by degradation rescue of RTKs via cancer-secreted autocrine growth factors: a Phospho-degron-driven actionable layer of post-translational regulation?” In this peer-reviewed perspective article authored by the…

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Experimental method developed by our team published on Bioprotocol

Streamlining the study of novel cellular proteins and their specific interacting protein partners is a key goal of basic life sciences. This was accomplished for a poorly known variant of an oncogenic protein sub-domain referred as Degron and responsible for the rapid protein clearance upon flagging mediated via a process…

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Human IGF-II epigenetic and transcriptional regulation unfolded on a special “Biomedicines” journal issue

Regulation of the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene is central to the mechanisms used by cancer cells to sustain their proliferative and aggressive behavior. A new peer-reviewed article gives us an updated view of the underlying molecular mechanisms in a special issue of Biomedicines which we contributed as ISOPROG-Somatolink research…

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Original peer reviewed article published on the journal Cells [IF 7.66]

The ISOPROG-Somatolink EPFP Research Network gladly welcomes the publication of a peer-reviewed scientific review article on an emerging family of cellular enzymes with high biological value bringing unexpected novel insights on this class of cancer-promoting protein family. This article is fruit of our longstanding collaboration with the computational team of…

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Comprehensive review article published on the journal “Cell Cycle”

We thank the editorial board of the “Cell Cycle” journal (*) for the publication of our review article entitled “Cell Cycle Control by the Insulin-like Growth Factor Signal: At the Crossroad between Cell Growth and Mitotic Regulation”. (*)https://www.tandfonline.com/…/10…/15384101.2022.2108117).  Peer reviewers have defined it, respectively, “a remarkable piece of work” and…

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Making sense of our latest findings on the oncogenic protein EphB4

A review based on our published work surrounding the control of the oncogenic protein EphB4 by the cancer secreted and self-stimulating factor IGF-II has been conveyed on the peer review article published on the Journal “Critical Reviews in Eukariotic Expression”. The article highlights the key points of our discoveries and…

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