In greeting all friends and colleagues for the upcoming festivities, we are glad to share our novel perspective article reframing the role of IGFs (IGF-I and IGF-II) in solid cancer based upon retrospective literature analysis of 1619 thematic articles and parallel cancer cells expression data in the Biomedicines (MDPI, IF 4.7) special issue…/biomedicines/special_issues/IGF2_10
A special thanks to all authors and expert reviewers for their impactful contribution and suggestions conveyed in the paradigm shifting message of this article which signs a highly productive year for our research team @ ISOPROG-Somatolink EPFP Research Network
#cancer#malignancy#cancerbiology#molecularoncology#paraneoplastic-syndrome #IGF#RTK#ISOPROG-Somatolink-EPFP-research-network #Jefferson#Temple#TempleCST#UPenn#childrenshospitalofphiladelphia#Legorretacancerctr#personalizedmedicine