The oncogenomic landscape of malignant melanoma unfolded in our review article

Oncogenomics features of Melanoma play a key part in personalized cancer bio-profiling and treatment strategies. We have conveyed the scientific advances in our molecular understanding of this disease with specific focus on the intracellular abnormalities linked to target therapies and the role of the tumor microenvironment in this article published…

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Cancer-driving gene regulatory mechanism clarified by our recent article published on the journal “Genes”

EphB4 is a blood vessel stimulatory factor over-expressed in human cancer cells but little has been known as for the factors regulating its gene expression. Such information can be derived in good part by the sequence and structure of each gene “promoter”region. In this work our team has reconstructed, sequenced…

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Novel oncogenic switch discovered in malignant mesothelioma cancer cells

A novel cancer cell regulatory mechanism functionally linking the cancer cell secreted factor IGF-II and the self-stimulating signal leading to the steady over-expression of EphB4 in the same cells has been unfolded in the article published on the prestigious journal “Oncogene” (Nature Publishing Group) [Impact Factor 7.99]. The article discloses…

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